NAD+ for the WIN!

As heavy on my brain as a dense San Francisco fog, a long COVID haze was my perpetual weather for nearly 2 years.

My symptoms, described in my recent recovery post were:

PEM (post exertional malaise), fatigue, breathlessness, brain fog, pounding heartbeat, internal body tremors, dysautonomia, POTS (dizziness, lightheaded) MCAS (severe life altering new allergies – indoor, outdoor and foods), GI issues, interrupted sleep and thermal dysregulation.

They lasted until NAD+, like the rising sun burning off even the murkiest day, set in motion my healing.

Measurable Improvement!

NAD+ injections, even after a long day, help keep my energy full, heartbeat steady, lungs clear, and brain processing!

My new life has brought remarkable productivity ~ who knew I’d ever be motivated to organize my pantry at 10:30pm?

And while the lack of fatigue and brain fog would have been more than enough, there’s more to tell.

Would you like MCAS with that?

Like countless others, my version of long COVID came with a side of mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS). In other words, you become “allergic” and have reactions (sinus, skin, lungs, GI system and more) to what can feel like almost everything. 😵‍💫

The degree to which I needed to avoid triggers was met only with head scratching even by the long covid specialists. No one could help me.

No one that is, except for the person who posted this:

Excited to learn more, I began researching NAD+ and learned it wasn’t just calming mast cells, it was curing long COVID!

What is NAD+ and how does it work?

NAD+ is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. 

It’s one of the most abundant and crucial molecules in our body and essential to our mitochondria. We can’t live without NAD+.

It helps convert food to energy, regulates proper cell function, sleep / wake cycles, and protects us from disease and aging. 

NAD+ levels significantly decline with stress, illness and age.

NAD+ and COVID | what we know

• COVID depletes cellular NAD+ stores.

• NAD+ is both antiviral and anti-inflammatory.

• Patients with severe COVID had significantly lower NAD+ concentrations in their organs.

• Our body cannot perform antiviral activities without NAD+ dependent enzymes.

• NAD+ is a regulator of our immune system response and can counteract its hyperactivity (and the COVID cytokine storm).

Interestingly though, there are limited mentions of NAD+ in both my mast cell and long COVID groups.

Making the connection

The few members who have posted uniformly praise NAD+ as the miracle we need, but it isn’t catching traction.

Below is one example:

This post was the first explanation I read about why it could work so well:

Here’s an excellent video that explains in-depth the above hypothesis.

I also recommend this article:

NAD+ in COVID-19 and Viral Infections

My experience with NAD+

Before I began NAD+ injections, I tried many breathing techniques, diets, and supplements in an attempt to regain my health.

Some of them helped a little, some helped more than a little, but nothing was bringing significant recovery.

I was noticing some benefits (less fatigue) from the NAD+ precursor TruNiagen.

Because of that, it made sense to go straight to the source and try NAD+ directly.

Best absorption method

Research indicates the order of most to least effectiveness is:

IV -> injections -> patches -> nasal spray -> (not oral)

For my situation, injections seemed the best balance of efficacy, time, cost and side effects.

The provider I chose after researching options was AgelessRx. They were easy to work with and within about 10 minutes, my order was placed.


The day it was scheduled to arrive, I checked my doorstep in anticipation more times than I’d like to admit!

The first injection was straightforward and painless.

I used the recommended .1ml which is 20mg of NAD+

I also took TMG as directed on their website. I used Life Extension brand from Amazon ($10). I took 1 capsule (500mg) with each injection.

I followed with .1ml injections every day for about 2 weeks.

After that, I began skipping 2 days in between several days of using it.

I did not ever use more than .15 ml (30 mg) at a time. Sometimes I use as little as .05 ml (10 mg).

To determine dosing, I simply watched my symptoms and did what I felt was best. Overall, I used about the same as they suggested but in much smaller, more frequent doses.

If you use too much, it can result in symptoms similar to what people see from the IV (nausea, fatigue and just a general feeling of “lousy”) until some wears off that then you feel great!

NAD+ injections vs. IV

Any time you use NAD+ the immediate feeling from “exciting the mitochondria” is a warm rush and some people have a higher heart rate, muscle cramps or other short lived symptoms.

The reaction is greater the more you use at once.

Generally from an IV, people report many side effects during the drip and mention that they subside afterward.

In my experience, if you use a small dose, the reactions are very minimal, but the benefits just as great.

If I use too much, the benefits are masked and I notice I feel “off.” Reddit users commonly agree.

So, my advice is, go low with dosing or you might miss the benefits!

Initial observations

Within an hour of the first injection, I felt noticeably more energetic. It was unbelievable!

I didn’t need to rest after activities like I normally would and found myself organizing my pantry late that evening, which is admittedly unheard of, even before long COVID!

Another surprising benefit was I didn’t feel hunger cravings at night – which I now realize were purely an attempt to boost my extreme fatigue.

The next day, I did another injection and also had no fatigue. I also noticed it makes every day feel sunny even when there are clouds – excellent mood enhancement!

Additional benefits I noticed immediately or within the first few days – a return of deep, restorative sleep, a feeling as if I was 20 years younger, improved collagen and youthfulness, eliminated dry skin on heels.

Mast Cells have calmed!

The first time I went out shopping after starting NAD+ felt like a miracle.

Long Covid made my mast cells react (with allergic asthma) to any place with dust mites / clothing and carpet. Turning something I once loved into something I dreaded.

But, I was fine.


This was going to be a whole new life for me!

I also began wondering again why MCAS benefits from NAD+ are hardly mentioned.

Phone a friend

Later that evening, wide eyed, with remarkable mental clarity, focus, motivation and energy, I told a friend about NAD+, barely able to contain the excitement!

That very night, she placed her order and has had the same results – loads of energy and no fatigue whatsoever!

Lasting results

My energy since starting the injections has held strong every day!

I’m thinking quickly and clearly, with no brain fog.

My allergies and MCAS reactions to countless foods, fragrances, chemicals, pollens, household allergens and more, are as the above Reddit user claimed “90% gone.”

(See my long COVID recovery post for the next steps I took)

Injection wary?

For those who prefer patches or nasal spray, I recommend purchasing from a company that ships refrigerated and contains a significant amount of NAD+ (300-400mg/ml).

A few friends and I tried all of the versions from AgelessRx.

We found the patches and spray are less potent but also worked.

The nasal spray has also helped my daughter with brain processing, task planning, motivation, and overall mood / sense of wellbeing. (1 spray per day)

Highly Recommend!

NAD+ promised and delivered so many benefits. I couldn’t be more grateful to those who recommended it in groups and Reddit!

Now it’s my turn to “pass it on.”

NAD+ works! And I hope everyone reading this finds their very own path to recovery. 🤍

For the Long Covid symptoms that aren’t treated by NAD+, please see my post on KPV peptide. It was responsible for getting me to 100% recovered!

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16 thoughts on “NAD+ for the WIN!

  1. I came here because of your Reddit post, very helpful, thank you. Does Nicotinamide Mononucleotide also work, or is it different to what you took? It is the only supplement I can get in my country that is similar in name.

    1. Hi! People do use NMN as a precursor to NAD+ the results could likely be similar to what I saw with the precursor Tru Niagen (NR).

      It’s not exactly comparable to NAD+ injections or nasal spray, but in my experience it can have a slightly noticeable effect on fatigue and brain fog.
      It’s better than nothing, that is for sure!

      For anything oral, I would prefer the precursors because nad+ oral is not absorbed.

      I hope that helps!

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